
Visiting students programme

Campus ed opportunità
Visiting students programme

The LIUC Study Abroad programme (so called Visiting Students Programme) enables international students, coming from universities with which LIUC has no exchange agreements, to spend either one semester or a whole academic year studying in English or Italian alongside Italian and other international students. The programme is administrated by the International Office, who will give help, support, advice and information in organising your stay and adapting to University life as well as assisting you in the process of credit transfer.

Our academic year is divided in two semesters. (September-January and February to early June). Please see the Academic Calendar for details.

You can choose to come in either of these semesters or for the whole academic year.

If you attend one semester only you are entitled to register for courses up to 30 credits. If you attend the whole academic year you are entitled to register up to 60 credits.

We can accept only a limited number of Visiting Students per semester, therefore we kindly ask to apply by the deadlines mentioned below sending the application form completed in all its parts.

If you are going to study in English you have to have a B2 level of knowledge of the language according to the European Framework of Languages.
If you have no knowledge of the Italian language, you are required to take a beginners’ Italian course (2 credits).
Italian language courses are offered both semesters (beginners to advanced) and are open to all international students.

You are expected to pay your own fees either yourself or from your own source of funding.
Fees for one semester are 600 euro and for one year are 1200 euro, to be paid before the semester starts according to the deadlines you will find on the payment form. Further information on payment methods will be sent once your application has been accepted. Please note that all bank costs must be paid by the student, and are not included in the fees of 600 euro or 1200 euro paid to the University.

You will be awarded credits for each course successfully completed and provided with a transcript detailing your results.

If you come to LIUC under the Study Abroad programme, you can apply for accommodation in the Halls of residence. During your period of study at the University you will have access to the same services as other LIUC students.

Send your completed application form and academic records (results obtained in your home institution) to the International Office (if any information is missing, the application will not be taken into consideration). Please ask for more information to the International Office.
If your application has been accepted, you will receive notification by e-mail and an acceptance letter will be sent by post. If your application has not been accepted, you will be notified by e-mail and no letter will be issued.
Once your application has been accepted you will be sent details on how to apply for accommodation and how to pay the study abroad fee.

The deadline for application is the 10th June for entry in Semester 1 (September start) / 30th November for entry into Semester 2 (February start). When applying you will be asked to submit a list of the modules you wish to study. You will be informed of the status of your application within 30 days.

Please be aware that the Courses in English are a selection of courses from different Schools. It is not a degree programme and no final award is issued. Students will receive a transcript of records indicating credits and grades awarded for each exam successfully taken.

Accommodation: from 400 to 780 €/month (including heating and electricity) (it could be in the Residence halls inside the University premises or in a private flat) NOTE: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this information could be changed

Food: maximum of 300 €/month (it could be considered both if students prepare their own food or if they go out for lunches and dinners every day)

Social life: around 50 € (if you consider on day per month)

Books and similar: 100-150 € per month (if needed as most of the courses have their material online)

Transports (if a student lives in Milan): 150€ per month


For additional information and forms: incoming@liuc.it

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